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Beit Midrash for Jewish Thought:
"The Idea of Sefarad"
Spring Semester 2024

The Beit Midrash for Jewish Thought Barcelona will dedicate the spring semester of 2024 to an interdisciplinary study of the Sephardic branch of Jewish civilization.


"The Idea of Sefarad" and its multifaceted representations will be explored across various aspects, as cultural categorization, tradition, identity, social and historical constructs, and the realm of political imagination.


Throughout 16 weekly sessions, from February to May, participants of the study group will read and discuss foundational texts, visit historical sites in Barcelona, engage in discussions with prominent researchers and thinkers, and scrutinize the potentials and roles of "Sephardic studies" within contemporary (European) society.


Beit Midrash Barcelona is directed by Ze'ev Maor, (PhD Philosophy) with the participation of

guest scholars, local and international.


No religious background or prior knowledge is required.

Language of teaching: English (Catalan, Spanish, Hebrew friendly).

Start date: February 1st, 2024, at Casa Adret*.

* In case you would like to attend our Beit Midrash fully online, please contact us at

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